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Monday, 29 July 2013

Online Tutorials

There are quite a few places that offer free online tutorials if you are appropriately registered.

  • Medline: Anaphylaxis Tutorial
    This is very American, but contains lots of good information. It is a useful overview of the clinical features, and the physiological features. 
  • Anaphylaxis Module
    This is a quick but effective case based tutorial on anaphylaxis. It includes a case from a child, and was a very useful over view.

  • BMJ Learning
    There are no BMJ learning modules on anaphylaxis in children.
  • Enlighten Me
    OSCE Assessment form - this is really useful as it emphasises what you need to know for each different "level" of knowledge.
    Case Study - a four year old with difficulty breathing needs your help...
    CEMPaedia - all about anaphylaxis
    Knowledge Bank - if it all goes wrong, what happens when your patient arrests? Mostly about big people - but a mention of a 16 year old.

1 comment:

  1. 'Epinephrine (Adrenaline) Dosing for Anaphylaxis in Patients on Beta-Blockers.' #FOAMed
