
I struggled to find PEM resources for my CT3 year, despite the variety of excellent resources out there. I hope this website will help point you in the right direction. I'm not a PEM expert, but am following the guidance CEM have issued (in the form of a syllabus) to put together this page. This page is not endorsed by CEM, and any mistakes are mine.

Please comment with corrections, additions and further suggestions.

All the information here is collected from the internet, and it might be out of date or inaccurate, so please use your judgement and adhere to your hospital's protocols. If you do notice any errors or omissions please comment so we can put them right!

To navigate, decide whether you want to start with a PMP or a PAP. You can then select which PMP or PAP you want to look at. You will then be taken to the summary page for that PMP, with links expanded topic collections. If you know what topic you want to look at already, click on the link on the right hand side.

Monday, 29 July 2013

Online Tutorials

There are quite a few places that offer free online tutorials if you are appropriately registered.

  • Medline: Anaphylaxis Tutorial
    This is very American, but contains lots of good information. It is a useful overview of the clinical features, and the physiological features. 
  • Doctors.org.uk Anaphylaxis Module
    This is a quick but effective case based tutorial on anaphylaxis. It includes a case from a child, and was a very useful over view.

  • BMJ Learning
    There are no BMJ learning modules on anaphylaxis in children.
  • Enlighten Me
    OSCE Assessment form - this is really useful as it emphasises what you need to know for each different "level" of knowledge.
    Case Study - a four year old with difficulty breathing needs your help...
    CEMPaedia - all about anaphylaxis
    Knowledge Bank - if it all goes wrong, what happens when your patient arrests? Mostly about big people - but a mention of a 16 year old.

1 comment:

  1. 'Epinephrine (Adrenaline) Dosing for Anaphylaxis in Patients on Beta-Blockers.' http://t.co/uteO6aKT9A #FOAMed
